



注:Farrells法雷尔前称TFP, Terry Farrell and Partners




+ 完全城市建设

+ 设计小组

+ 密度

+ 控制整体规划原则

+ 城市动感

+ 建设密集大都会

+ 地标塔楼

+ 车站广场

+ 原型



© Virgile Simon Bertrand


从概念到实现 ©Farrells

From concept to realisation


Constructing a city is not the same as constructing an individual building. It is not simply big architecture. By its nature, a city is a diverse and ever-changing entity that is constantly being made and remade, built and torn down, repaired, replaced, converted and recycled. In this dynamic process it is the infrastructure that endures, while the individual buildings change to suit the citizens' ever evolving needs. The essence of city-making is the design of the infrastructure: the roads, transit systems, public space and the architecture of organization and connection that provides a framework for evolution.

At West Kowloon, the density of the city and the scale of the transport systems to be incorporated called for an innovative three-dimensional design. The infrastructure is organized in layers above the mass transportation core. The flats, offices, community facilities, hotels and service apartments are linked together by air-conditioned shopping streets and public places at one level, and by gardens, squares and vehicle- and pedestrian- circulation routes on the podium above. All parts of the design work together in the formation of an integrated, balanced city.



工程主要参与者 ©Farrells

Principal participants in the realisation of the project

1992年,地铁公司开始从可行性研究阶段推向实际的初步设计阶段。由Terry Farrell & Partners(现称Farrells法雷尔)作为首席建筑师领导的设计小组,着手进行车站设计及城市周边的总体规划设计。


In 1992 the MTR Corporation began moving the design from the feasibility stage to its realization with the appointment of the detailed design team, led by Terry Farrell & Partners, to design the station and a master plan for the surrounding city.

Under the direction of the MTR Corporation, the core design team was at the hub of a diverse network of consultants, all of whom contributed elements to the final design. With the completion of the design phase, the contractors and subcontractors charged with constructing the station were added to the network. And more consultants, developers and contractors from around the world are joining as the construction of each phase of the project proceeds.





俯瞰维港 ©Farrells

Harbour view

In Hong Kong, where land for construction is scarce, high-density, high-rise construction is characteristic. At Kowloon, with 1.7 million sqm of building on 13.5 hectares, results in a site to building area ratio of 12.4:1.

The modern railway station creates a focus for highly serviced, convenient, high-value urban space. The density of construction around the station reflects how modern rail provides a catalyst for the creation of the most desirable city areas, a complete reversal of the historic model where the smoke-stack technology of railways blighted the city.



九龙站开发轴测图 ©Farrells

Kowloon Station development isometric





The strategic solution to planning the site lay in the recognition of the need to plan three-dimensionally, with a number of separate functional layers forming a podium -a platform carrying towers. The stratification of the base of the site into separate functional layers is a development of the arrangement seen elsewhere in Hong Kong in a more fragmentary way on smaller projects.

Ground level and all basement levels are given over to public transport, roads and car parking.

A first- and second-floor pedestrian network is overlaid on the transport layer, allowing pedestrians and traffic to circulate separately. At the edges of the site the pedestrian routes connect to bridges across the main roads, linking into a network of pedestrian routes covering West Kowloon. The concept is a development of the pedestrian movement pattern that has been gradually developed in the Central District of Hong Kong. A first-floor, air-conditioned network of malls, plazas and bridges provides a comfortable alternative to the street level system. In West Kowloon, the pattern which has developed over time in Central was adopted as a planning principle from the outset, integrated with the mass transit systems.

Above the shopping strata is a podium, approximately 18m above the surrounding streets. The podium provides a second ground level, incorporating open spaces, squares and gardens and the entrances to the towers that rise above. It functions in a similar way to ground level in the traditional two-dimensional city.



控制性整体规划原则 ©Farrells

Controlling master plan principles

+ 车站盒子 The station box


The station is defined within a rectangular box in the centre of the site surrounded by the station perimeter road.


+ 轴线 Axes



The rail alignment generates a north-south axis through the site. Large foundations and tower structures are kept away from the rail line.

The concourse axis is at 90 degrees to the rail axis on the centreline of the station. Towers are kept away from this axis to generate an open hall, free of large structures, at the centre of the principal spaces of the station.


+ 轴线交叉点 Axes' crossing point


The city gateway to the station is located at the intersection of the rail and concourse axes in the centre of both station and city.

+ 轴网 Grid


Within the station box a regular 12m structural grid provides the controlling discipline for the station layout. Above the station it provides the urban grid for the location of buildings.


+ 分区 Zones


The mini city is divided into zones of different uses: public and corporate towards the Station Square; private and residential away from the centre.

+ 多层车道 Layered roads


Vehicles circulate at three main public levels. Ground level is the public road system around the perimeter of the site and around the station. Level One is the access roadway to the towers above the station. Podium Level provides local road access network for the development.

+ 人行网络 Pedestrian network


Pedestrians circulate at two main levels. Level One contains the air-conditioned pedestrian streets and squares within the shopping layer, which extend from the station throughout West Kowloon. At Podium Level, pedestrians can move through the city of towers via covered outdoor walkways, gardens and squares.

+ 车站广场 Station Square


Station Square forms the core of the project and is the gateway between the Airport Railway and the city. In later schemes, including the Landmark office tower, the square is extended southwards to form a pair of linked public spaces providing the setting for the principal features of the scheme: the Airport Railway gateway and the Landmark Tower.

+ 地标塔楼 Landmark Tower


The tower will mark the Airport Railway gateway on the skyline. On a larger scale, it will act as a partner to the Landmark Tower at Hong Kong Station on the opposite side of the harbour. Together they will form a gateway to Victoria Harbour from the western approaches.

+ 北园 North Garden


The North Garden forms the setting for the residential towers on the northern edge of the site; a green area of tree grids, planting and tennis courts in contrast to the open paved formality of Station Square.

+ 南园 South Garden


The curving landscape of South Garden will be the setting for the residential buildings in the southern part of the site.


+ 门户 Gateways


The station entrance forms a gateway between the Airport Railway and the city. The corner gateway connects Kowloon Station to the local district of West Kowloon. To the west, twin towers flank the road entrance to the station.

+ 多层城市 City Layers


Kowloon Station city is planned in three principal layers: Ground Level is zoned for road and public transport; Level One for shopping and pedestrian circulation; Podium Level for the entrance, local road and open spaces


+ 开发阶段 Phases


The project was constructed in nine phases. The station was constructed first and was followed by eight development and infrastructure construction phases.

+ 综合功能 Integration


Integration of the airport into the city. Integration between transport modes. Integration of the transit systems and the city.


+ 中央大厅 Concourse


The station concourse is a grand hall at the centre of the station linking it to the city and providing interconnections between transport systems.


+ 城市车站 City Station


The modern station, the foundation of the city


+ 自然采光 Daylight


The modern station, the foundation of the city daylight that floods in through the station entrance and lanterns in the Station Square.


+ 甲、乙、丙类土地 A, B, C land


甲. 用于车站、铁路及其上建筑的土地;

乙. 用于巴士站、车道及其上建筑的土地;

丙. 仅用于兴建建筑物的土地。

There are three types of development within the transport super city, governed by the type of land.

A. Land for the station and rail lines with buildings above

B. Land for bus stations and roads with buildings above

C. Land for buildings only.


+ 高度 Heights


In the new multi-layered, high-rise city, structural constraints for stacked structures define a general datum of about 50 storeys for towers built in the airspace above the railway. Elsewhere the limits are set by the science of materials and structure and the courage of finance.

+ 行人第一 Pedestrians first


By starting with the public mass transit system, it becomes possible to design a city convenient for pedestrians first. West Kowloon is planned on this basis: the public transport, shopping circulation, pedestrian movement and podium gardens are planned as a complete urban system.





兴建城市 ©Farrells

Building the city



The development as a whole is too large for any agency or consortium to carry out as a single project. It was, therefore, broken down into seven different phases to be built sequentially. Although the strategy for the master plan is layered horizontally, each phase of development has to exist on separate land parcels owned and operated as self-contained packages of construction.

The common parts shared by development packages were carefully coordinated to ensure that essential infrastructure for access and servicing is provided in line with the programme for implementation of each phase.

The master plan combines the three-dimensional arrangement of functions and spaces across the site and choreographs their gradual implementation.





规划演变 ©Farrells

Plan Evolution



Cities are, by nature, dynamic evolving places. In Hong Kong, the rate of change in the city fabric matches that of the volatile economy which drives it. The West Kowloon master plan embraces a flexible strategy that allows for change at any time during the design and implementation process

During the station design and construction, the master plan for the surrounding development went through five cycles of adjustment to suit changes in the property market and the regulatory framework of Hong Kong. Each plan, though different in form and appearance, retained the underlying master plan order while allowing flexibility to maximize the quality and value of the scheme.

The five schemes were:

1 Low-rise airport height constrained scheme. 2 Low-rise, adjusted to suit phasing constraints 3 High-rise, revised airport height constraints. 4 Revised phasing and detailed analysis. 5 Increasing residential density.

The process will not end with the fifth scheme. The strength of the plan lies in its ability to remain coherent and legible and yet respond to the urban dynamic of Hong Kong.









With the completion of the Airport Railway, the project now moves into its next stage: the building of the city above the station. In this stage, the master planning principles that have informed the overall layout and have been incorporated into the station design will be developed in the architecture of each part.

The creation of the city is, by its nature, the work of many hands - many owners, designers and occupiers. The division of the development into a series of discrete but interconnected packages allows groups of local and international designers to work on each part, creating natural diversity within the overall design.

The process is controlled by the constant involvement of the MTR Corporation and the monitoring of teams working on individual packages by the original master planning team the flexibility of the plan allows adjustments to be carried out wherever necessary.

Two parts of the plan - the Landmark Tower and Station Square - were developed into final architectural form by the original master planning team. These two elements show how the master plan principles described above will be realized in their final form.




于1998年出版时地标塔楼方案 ©Farrells




大厦设计高580米,是世界上最高的建筑物之一。为了测试这个大胆构想实现的可能性,由Terry Farrell &Partners 为首的设计小组进行了详尽的可行性研究。由于选址远离铁路及车站建筑,铁路系统不会受此大型超级塔楼的庞大地基工程所影响。


When the master planning of West Kowloon started in 1992, building heights in the area were controlled by the airport height restrictions covering the approach to the old airport, Kai Tak, which passed to the north of the site. The completion of Chek Lap Kok airport has allowed the building height restrictions to be lifted and super-high-rise buildings have become possible in Kowloon for the first time. The response to this new potential was to rework the mid-rise 35-storey master plan to give greater variety to the scheme's skyline profile, and to include a super-high-rise office and hotel tower.

The revised plan retained the underlying principles of the original, which proved to be a robust organizational framework allowing for radical alteration to building uses, forms and heights.

The Landmark Tower is to be the signature statement of the scheme, marking the importance of Kowloon Station on the Airport Railway and the significance of the site in the development of West Kowloon. The principle that transport nodes should be marked by taller buildings and more dense development is enshrined in the urban design guidelines for West Kowloon first articulated in Metroplan, the strategic plan for Hong Kong. The removal of the height restrictions allowed the principle to be realized in practice.

The southwest corner of the site was selected for the Landmark Tower owing to its prominent location facing the western harbour approaches and West Kowloon Regional Park. In this location the tower will mark the road entrance to West Kowloon from the Western Harbour Tunnel and, with its counterpart at Hong Kong Station in Central, form a gateway entrance to Victoria Harbour.

The proposed tower will be 580m tall, one of the tallest buildings in the world. In order to test the viability of this daring proposal, the design team, led by Terry Farrell & Partners, carried out a detailed feasibility study. As the selected site is located away from the rail lines and station buildings, the railway will not be affected by the construction of the massive foundations required for a tower this size.

The lifting of building height restrictions in the Kowloon peninsula will, over time, be the most significant transformation of Hong Kong arising from the new airport. The flat roof-line of Kowloon with its distant mountain backdrop will gradually develop a rich and varied architectural skyline as buildings are replaced and new developments completed. The Landmark Tower at West Kowloon will be the first of these new skyline features, setting a standard for those to follow.






城市总体设计 ©Farrells

City masterplan




广场表面用rosso maronni花岗岩及bianco sardo 花岗岩建造,同是选自意大利一个采石场,那里可以找到大量的石料,同时又能够保证石料质量统一。花岗岩以条状铺砌,使支配整体设计的12米车站网格结构形成图案。沿广场边缘有三层石阶,由此而上为人行步道,构成中心区域(包括铁路入口)的一个外框。地面高度的变化将空间划分为动态空间与静态空间:四周为动,中央为静。



Station Square brings together two aspects of the master plan. It provides an identity for the project and acts as a gateway between the city and the Airport Railway. East meets West in the design which combines a legible urban place in the European sense with a podium plaza on the roof of the station 18m above "real" ground level, in accordance with the modern Asian innovation of the three-dimensional city.

The square covers the crossing points of the two principal axes of the master plan: the rail line running north-south and the east-west concourse.

The station concourse roof is the centrepiece of the square, a metal arc aligned east-west covering the centre of the square, forming a public place sheltered from sun and rain. On either side are entrances to the Airport Railway: the departure side is to the west and the arrivals side, and Tung Chung MTR Line to the east.

The covered area is marked by four towers housing the mechanical vent plant for the station concourse. The towers lean back in a manner expressive of the celebration of travel, which is the central conceptual theme of the station architecture and echoed in the curves of the Landmark Tower.

The surface of the square is rosso maronni granite with bianco sardo granite banding from Italy, selected from a quarry that could harvest such a vast quantity of stone, whilst still ensuring a consistent quality. The granite is aligned in stripes so that the 12m station grid which orders the plan becomes visible as a landscape pattern. Along the edges of the square, three steps rise up to a perimeter pavement to form a frame for the central area which contains the rail gateway. The change of level divides the space into areas of movement and stillness; dynamic at the perimeter and still towards the centre.

The pattern of movement of origin and destination is the basis of the layout of covered pathways, with metal and glass canopies, that run through the square to provide sheltered routes between the buildings that will one day surround the square.





In Hong Kong, where available land for building is scarce, Kowloon Station and its integration with the compact city around it can be seen as merely pragmatic; the development and refinement of prototypes pioneered at a smaller scale elsewhere in the city. But this Hong Kong-centred view misses the wider lessons offered by the project

That land is scarce is now a global fact. That the greatest pressure for urban growth is taking place on the most fertile and productive land should lead to a re-examination of the benefits of urban density. For the newly urbanising regions of Asia, Hong Kong, and super-high-density Kowloon in particular, offers an alternative model for the benefits of dense urban living, including land and ecological conservation and convenience.


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