AS新作 | 合肥万象城蔚来中心

夜景外立面 Night View Facade ©Rawvision

法国AS建筑工作室为蔚来设计的NIO House 于2021年11月6日正式开业。项目选址于安徽合肥政务文化新区核心位置的合肥万象城,这是工作室继南京、青岛蔚来中心及合肥江淮JAC厂区后的再次合作。

NIO House, designed by architecturestudio, officially opened on November 6, 2021. The project is located in Vientiane City of Hefei, which is the core location of Hefei Government Affairs and Culture New District, Anhui Province. This is another masterpiece created by the studio for NIO after Nanjing, Qingdao NIO Center, and Hefei JAC&NIO User Center.


Hefei NIO Center takes the word "He" as its design inspiration, constructs the upper and

lower floors, and integrates Hefei's inclusive and open ideas into it.

AS新作 | 合肥万象城蔚来中心

夜景外立面 Night View Facade ©Rawvision


The design is divided into two floors. The gallery on the first floor has a terrazzo floor and satin stainless steel, presenting a minimalist technology space atmosphere. The curved glass wall design conveys the sense of speed of the car while expanding the visual range of the space.

AS新作 | 合肥万象城蔚来中心

展厅 Hall ©Rawvision

AS新作 | 合肥万象城蔚来中心

配置区 Configuration Area ©Rawvision


For the user's better perspective experience, the studio has been transformed from the original set of facades. The curtain wall uses ultra-white glass and aluminum oxide plates, which greatly expand the user's vision, and enhances the scientific skills of the facade, showing all users to innovate and pursue the ultimate spirit. The design is placed vertically elevator to rationalize the motion so that users can take the elevator directly from the first floor display area to the second layer of activity space.

AS新作 | 合肥万象城蔚来中心

电梯厅 Elevator Hall ©Rawvision

二层是用户朋友欢聚的空间。NIO Café选用大面积原木色,氛围轻松舒适。Living Room幕墙设置成弧形观景吧台,拥有多功能收纳空间,相连Library和Lab区域,融合阅读、工作与社交功能。用户在此能享受到暖阳的惬意,就如同在家中客厅般自在。配合设计明亮的多功能展示厅Forum,整体二层展厅可以根据实际需求实现展览、秀场、表演等多种模式随意切换。Joy Camp这片属于小车主的天地,选用毛毡墙画、动物玩偶和撞色桌椅,被打造成充满童话色彩的乐园。

The second floor is a space for users and friends to gather together. NIO Café uses a large area of natural wood color, and the atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable. The curtain wall of the Living Room is set up as a curved viewing bar, with multi-functional storage space, connecting the Library and Lab areas, integrating reading, work, and social functions. Users can enjoy the comfort of the warm sun here, just like in the living room at home. In conjunction with the brightly designed multi-functional exhibition hall Forum, the overall second-floor exhibition hall can be freely switched between exhibitions, shows, performances, and other modes according to actual needs. Joy Camp, a world for car owners, uses felt wall paintings, animal dolls, and contrasting tables and chairs to create a paradise full of fairy tales.

AS新作 | 合肥万象城蔚来中心

休息区 Seating Area 2F ©Rawvision

AS新作 | 合肥万象城蔚来中心

论坛区 Forum Area 2F ©Rawvision


This average center also combined Chaohu culture and designed a high urban characteristic decorative wall. The "homing" work on the wall is to depict the reed scenery of the shore of the nest, and the other wall is "nest" works as an acrylic declared plant.

AS新作 | 合肥万象城蔚来中心

门厅 Foyer 2F ©Rawvision


The night is coming, through the intersection of different light sources, Hefei NIO will come to the center to interpret the colorful “NIO HOUSE".

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