在武汉,洪山区有着“大学之城” 的美誉,近半数高校落户于此,教育氛围浓厚。Aedas执行董事胡庆峰带领团队,以全新的设计理念,在此打造了华中科学生态城学校项目,坐落于武汉未来的中央智慧区新地标——华中科学生态城南端门户。
In the ‘City of University’, Aedas Executive Director Kelvin Hu has led the team to create a world-leading campus in Wuhan. The project is located adjacent to the Huazhong Ketaicheng, offering a cradle to cultivate the next generation in an all-rounded learning environment.
Campus aerial view
“校园不只是空间载体,更是推动教学的重要媒介。我们通过‘源点、舞台、核心、未来’ 四大设计策略,希望构建出面向社区的校园,以无边界的学习环境,在开放包容中激发出无限创造潜力。”胡庆峰如是说。
Kelvin says, ‘To maximise the learning efficiency, the design integrates the key elements to equip the students’ academic studies, presentation ability and social skills. The campus connects to the community seamlessly, providing a comprehensive environment for the youths to grow with knowledge and interpersonal skills.’
Campus facing the urban interface
Site location
Functionalities of the surrounding land uses
A Place of Origin – A cradle for science innovations
项目是华中科学生态城重要的开端起点,团队统筹考量城市规划,提出了 “未来之蕊”的设计理念,与最北端作为企业总部的“天空之树”、中部作为高端生态社区的“科技之藤”,一同构建出连续、完整的空间体系,以极具未来感的壳体界面围合出有机多彩的乐学空间,象征着这所新时代校园的沃土中孕育着未来的人才之花。
Through the metaphor of breeding knowledge for generations to come, the campus is an interconnected space positioned as the ‘origin of technology’, with different parts of it representing a section of a vibrantly growing plant, together forming a thriving ecosystem of knowledge. Starting from the gate, the main school campus can be found to signify ‘A Bud of the Future’ as an integral part of the system where growth happens. Moving inward, high-end ecological residential towers are placed along the ‘City Vine’, providing modern residences suitable for contemporary living. The ‘City Forest’ is placed at the northernmost of the plot to include technology headquarters as a stage to cater for the technology elites.
With a clear layout stitching various functions, the design also offers a seamless connection to the surrounding community, nurturing the next generation to innovatively create and develop in technological aspects within the well-planned environment.
Site location
Seamlessly connecting the surrounding community
Located in the gateway of the city
A stage for the students to shine
The cascading terraces embrace the greenery and sports ground in a U-shaped academic building to form an enclosed courtyard. With such design, a theatre-like environment is mimicked with the athletic tracks acting like a stage and the academic building acting like a theatre’s seating area. It symbolises how the vision of the school is to serve as a platform for students to thrive and shine with their talents, preparing them towards a path to becoming a high-tech elite.
Massing generation
The campus is open to the city
A stage facing the community
An enclosed spacious courtyard is created, providing a humane ambience while the classrooms are filled with natural sunlight to offer the students pleasant conditions to learn and recreate. The northwestern side of the athletic tracks opens up and forms a dialogue with the local urban context, showcasing a friendly interface facing the community.
The orientation of classrooms is optimised, providing sufficient sunlight
Rendering of teaching building(Partial)
The stadium and canteen are placed underneath the elevated sports ground, creating more public areas for greenery and social gatherings. The multi-function hall is placed above the sports ground, as a connector between the school and community. The glass curtain wall of the stadium injects an urban street view into the interiors, forming a placemaking hub for the city.
Elevated sports ground
Stadium and sharing center that seamlessly connects with the community
An energetic campus for collaboration
With efficient layout and spatial planning, the design creates two open communal spaces for collaboration. One of them closely connects to the academic buildings, while another one merges with the recreational amenities and fronts the community. The spaces create a social hub for the students to equip their communication skills and enhance their social understanding of the urban context and local culture.
Sharing interface with the community
The courtyard brings greenery into the interiors, further extending the biophilic vibrancy to the permeable terraces. The integration of nature creates a lush outdoor environment for students to interact after classes. The shared spaces seamlessly connect with the elevated sportsground, creating vertical multi-functional areas for the campus.
A creative platform like a flower bud
Enclosing the atrium to dissolve the indoor and outdoor boundaries
Sharing platform space
Greenery within the buildings
Green environment for students to explore
Facing the community, the public realm provides amenities like the stadium and library, serving the public as a recreational urban oasis. With well-planned circulation, both communal spaces are lined with privacy to ensure the students’ safety, creating a safe co-working environment for the student body and the public alike. Utilising the urban interface, the campus includes comfortable pick-up zones for parents.
Breeding for the future
The school’s vision aims to create personalised education to activate the students’ potential with a blended teaching model. To stimulate curiosity and to include outdoor interactive learning zones, the adaptive design includes science parks, botanical gardens, badminton and table tennis fields, multimedia learning centre and extra-curricular corners. It is bound to provide an all-rounded campus to support and nurture students in a comprehensive way.
Multi-functionl spaces
Educational Space Model
Kelvin shares, ‘We have designed an integrated campus, adding another institution landmark to the district through a hybrid of technology and ecology. The Wuhan Central China Science & Ecological City Primary and Kindergarten project will be the birthplace of fostering and advocating innovation and critical thinking. Connecting with the community, the campus is set to spread knowledge and vibrancy to the surroundings.’
Location:Wuhan, China
Design and Project Architect: : Aedas
Client: Wuhan Huazhong Ketaicheng Industrial Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Gross Floor Area: 11, 000 sq m
Completion Year: 2024
Director: Kelvin Hu, Executive Director
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